What is Classroom Champions?

A girl in a blue t-shirt writes in a notebook in class.

What we do

Classroom Champions brings Olympic, Paralympic, NCAA and professional athletes to classrooms, schools and districts to facilitate a powerful, engaging and effective Social and Emotional Learning curriculum. Athletes bring their journey and mindsets to an 8-unit curriculum that teachers can use in a flexible way.

Social and Emotional Learning that Sticks

Making SEL engaging and inspiring

So that kids understand the importance of valuing their education in the classroom and beyond. 

Our Impact

SEL and the Champion MindsetSEL can change the mindset and attitude of kids. Classroom Champions’ programs bring those critical SEL skills to students in a way that engages young minds and improves the cultures of schools using the athlete mindset. World-class athletes are teaching partners in a school’s SEL journey, bringing their experiences and perspectives to demonstrate these skills in a tangible and relatable way. We’ve got the data to prove this framework increases attendance, makes teachers more engaged with their work and improves the ways students treat each other.
Download Classroom Champions Impact Report

Programs to fit your every SEL need

Flexible, comprehensive lessons that provide engaging SEL for any classroom. Grade banded to meet K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 needs.
  • Children in Classroom Champions shirts work on a group project together

    K-8 SEL Curriculum

    Our Champion Mindset Curriculum is the essential toolkit for your SEL journey featuring 8 different athlete mentors teaching 8 lessons with comprehensive lesson plans and supporting materials. Lessons are grade banded to meet K-2, 3-5 and 6-8 needs.
  • Your Dedicated Athlete Mentor

    Build on Classroom Champions’ foundational curriculum with a dedicated athlete mentor for an entire school year with our Mentorship+ upgrade.

Because kids have what it takes

Why Classroom Champions? The mindset kids need to thrive is in front of them, they just need to see it in action. While athlete mentors are training, competing, recovering and persevering they are simultaneously speaking to students about their process and what it takes to succeed. 
  • 99%

    of Classroom Champions students reported that setbacks don’t make them feel like quitting.
  • 83%

    of students reported Classroom Champions helped them get better grades
  • 92%

    of Classroom Champions students reported Classroom Champions helped them learn how to accomplish their goals.