Headshot of Halee Sikorski
Halee SikorskiSep 30, 2024 • 5 min read

Classroom Champions: The Community that Changed My Teaching

Classroom Champions is more than a curriculum — it's a life-changing journey that continues to inspire and uplift, long after the school bell rings.
Every school year brings about some kind of story: challenges faced, struggles overcome, connections made, and new learning discovered. And after 23 years of teaching, Ella Maya has quite a few inspirational stories to tell. Of her 23 years in the classroom, 11 have been with Classroom Champions in Phoenix, Arizona. That’s 11 years of mentorship, inspiration, vulnerability, connection, and community with world-class athletes and educators around North America. And it has changed her students, her teaching, and her own personal life for the better.As Ella reflects on her journey, it’s clear that Classroom Champions is more than a curriculum — it's a life-changing journey that continues to inspire and uplift, long after the school bell rings.

Finding Connection in Vulnerability

Classroom Champions isn’t just a one-off touchpoint with an accomplished athlete. It’s not an in-and-out assembly that kids will forget about. This experience embeds Olympic and Paralympic Athlete Mentors into your classroom for a year-long experience that has been proven to change school culture. Athlete Mentors take students on their athletic journey in real-time. They come check in with your students monthly with an empowering story, grounded in one of the 8 curriculum themes that teach valuable and important life skills. This connection has a long-lasting impact that extends to how students see their future and treat each other. And that’s exactly what Ella has witnessed in her own classroom.

Classroom Champions Isn’t One More Thing to Do - It’s Makes All Other Things Doable

Athlete Mentors aren’t only impacting students. Ella reflects on what having an Athlete Mentor has taught her:“It’s okay to be vulnerable with the kids, and it just creates a much deeper connection. I let them know I’m human. I have feelings. I make mistakes. I’m also navigating emotions, and sometimes it comes out the wrong way, and it’s okay to apologize.”
“I probably wouldn’t be teaching if it weren’t for Classroom Champions.”
Classroom Champions and Athlete Mentors have also provided Ella with a renewed perspective on teaching.When asked about what she wished people knew about Classroom Champions, Ella remarked, “I think a lot of teachers and districts and schools are afraid to commit to something else, because it's one more thing. We have testing, and we have curriculum, and we have all of these things. But Classroom Champions isn’t one more thing to do, but it makes all of those other things doable.

The Positive Impacts of Mentorship Never End

Ella reflected on some of the connections she’s witnessed between Athlete Mentors and students:“When you can’t reach a student, it’s nice to have someone else that is able to do that for you. It’s those kids that matter the most. Sometimes they need more than one person that can reach them.”Ella Maya shares the heartwarming story of Valeria, a shy student who found her confidence thanks to her Athlete Mentor and 5x Olympic medalist in bobsled, Elana Meyers Taylor. Valeria credits Ella encouraging her to ask her Athlete Mentor, Elana, a question during a live video chat. With their support, Valeria grew into a strong leader. She went on to become the valedictorian and earned a full-ride scholarship to college in Pennsylvania.
Students connect with their Athlete Mentor through live chats.
Jose also experienced a transformation through participating in Classroom Champions and bonding with his Athlete Mentor, Nic Taylor. With the guidance of a mentor like Nic, Jose found a new spark as a student. He became more focused and more enthusiastic about learning. Ella recognizes the importance of having multiple adults who can connect with students, noting how thoughtful gestures between students and their mentors further strengthen these relationships and inspire growth. 

Athlete Mentors Feel the Love and Support Too

On being a Classroom Champions Mentor, Elana said, “It has been one of the most meaningful parts of my entire athletic career. Although I’m able to see the impact that our lessons as mentors have, the impact my classes have on me is so much greater.”
"Classroom Champions has changed me as a person and as an athlete and I’m honored to be part of it."
Ella Maya and the Taylors
“It’s not even just what Athlete Mentors do for the kids, but what they’ve done for me. Classroom Champions is more than a community. It’s this presence that’s in your life that’s consistent and reliable. It becomes part of who you are and your identity. It’s like a family. Sometimes that chosen family is a stronger bond than what a lot of people have with their own families.” Ella Maya

The Lasting Impact of Mentorship and Community

Ella Maya's journey with Classroom Champions is a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and community. The impact on her students, her teaching and herself is undeniable. As she continues to inspire future leaders, Ella remains grateful for the support and opportunities that Classroom Champions has provided, and we are grateful for life-changing educators like her.

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