My first year as a Classroom Champions teacher did not look the same as it does now 7 years later. Each year my lessons and challenges have changed and my engagement in the program has developed. The biggest thing that I have learned as a Classroom Champions teacher is that my enthusiasm in the monthly videos, challenges and activities directly impacts my students’ excitement and engagement. I quickly realized that as the teacher in the classroom, I am the main factor that is connecting my students to the athlete mentor.Some years I make this connection between my students and our athlete mentor much stronger than other years. However, over the years I have come up with a few fun ways to build the relationship between students and our athlete stronger. If asked what advice I would give to a new Classroom Champion teacher it would be to make your athlete mentor a regular part of your classroom community — daily, weekly and monthly.Here are 10 quick, low prep ideas to bring your Classroom Champions program into your classroom throughout your daily and weekly routine.
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